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Studio Flax Whimsical Flowers på hør

Fra 235,00 kr.

Dette kit indeholder:

*Påtegnet hør 37,5×40 cm
*Designet måler 18×19 cm
*Garnpakke med 16/2 hør
*Nål med spids
*Print af original mønster samt stingoversigt over de 24 mest almindelige sting for perioden.



Yderligere information

Hørstof med påtegning til lille serviet.

Whimscical betyder finurlig på dansk og det er en meget passende betegnelse til motivet her som er designet af Ingrid Bjernefors-Dahlman for Nordiska og genudgivet af Studio Flax.

Oprindeligt var det tiltænkt en lille flacon men her får du motivet printet på et stykke hør som kan blive til en fin lille brødserviet, en lille lændepude, et billede eller noget helt andet du har lyst til at lave.


Om Studio Flax:

Studio Flax startede som et spændende projekt under navnet Linladen. Tanja er grundlage virksomheden i 2015 og siden har hun arbejdet hårdt på at finde og genskabe mange af de smukke svenske hør-på-på broderier der har ligget gemt i årevis.

Du kan læse hele historien om Studio Flax som Tanja selv beskriver den her:


Linladan was initially intended as a short project while residing between western Sweden and the Welsh countryside. During my search for old linen, I (founder, Tanja) discovered traces of a fascinating Swedish embroidery company called Nordiska of Gothenburg. At the time, there was very little information available about the company online.

Today, we know that Nordiska had a talented in-house design studio and global distribution, operating for over a century. Contrary to what I had been told by institutions and traders, the company’s archive was not permanently lost. The patterns were actually safely stored in an old linen factory by the owner, Mr. Leo.

After two years of searching and numerous dead-end phone calls, my journey to find the Nordiska archive finally ended when Mr. Leo answered the phone one Saturday in 2017. He confirmed that he had the archive and told me: “I knew you would call one day”. He asked when I could visit, and I drove out the next day.

I spent the following year on research and meeting with some of the Nordiska designers and their families, all of whom have been of invaluable help to the project.

It took about a year to begin reproducing Nordiska’s embroidery kits with the assistance of another well-established Swedish embroidery company. Throughout this process, I continued to research, document, and receive great encouragement from the warm and enthusiastic textile community.

Today we operate in the beautiful old town of Bristol, within the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter. This new chapter of our journey is named Studio Flax, as “flax” not only refers to the plant from which our threads are made but also signifies unexpected luck in Swedish. The discovery of a room filled with pristine 50-year-old linen embroidery threads was pure flax.


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